Not many people realise this, but Bai Ling is actually 52 years old. So there’s today’s useless fact. Not many people realise that Bai Ling’s nipples are over 2 yards long. Ok, we made that bit up, but fuck, they really are HUUUUGE. Of Chinese origin, Bai Ling started her USA film career in 1994, in ‘The Crow’, and has gone on to star in many movies, as well as appearing on some crappy singing celebrity program, where she managed to wear the most risque outfits imaginable.
She also has a real problem keeping those massive coathangers out of view, and once you see how big they are, it’s really not that surprising that it’s so hard to keep them from popping out all the time. Which is good news for us. Lord knows how she is blessed with the absolute monster nipples she has on her tits, but Bai’s hat pegs are something else. The Asian hottie could win the Olympics for outsized bullets, if only they’d add the category. There are a ton more examples of Bai’s nude tits and nipples for further investigation amongst the more curious of you.
Meanwhile though just marvel at the 8th and 9th wonders of the world that are Bai Lings nipples. Careful though, or they’ll have your eye out!

One of the movies Bai starred in is called Maximum Impact. It should have just been 90 minutes of Bai with her tits out and nipples on show. Maybe it was. Another film was entitled Dumplings. I mean, someone is on the wind up here, surely! She’s also known for some truly wacky outfits. Naturally, those also are prone to the so-called ‘wardrobe malfunctions’ of the titty variety. If nothing else, Bai is an exhibitionist at heart, as her many ‘accidental’ tit flashing and nipple showing exploits are testament to. We heartily approve!