Well unlike others, we’ve been waiting on the outcome of the Jimi Hendrix sex tape argument before putting the link up, in case any of our readers bought the tape, and it turned out to be fake. Sixty days after it’s official release the Hendrix family have failed to substantiate their claims that it was not in fact Jimi Hendrix in the sex tape, but another unknown male. The company behind the distribution of the Jimi Hendrix sex tape offered to pay the Hendrix heirs $100,000 (£50,000) if they could back up their claims. No contact was made, and the company’s owner rightfully claimed victory.
The promotional still from the video itself to the right shows two young ladies ‘enjoying’ Jimi (and vice versa!), and the original rock groupie Cynthia ‘Plaster Cast’ Albritton has said all along she had no doubt it was Jimi in the sex tape. She is one of the women in the threesome. She also stated that even Jimi’s ex-girlfriend Kathy Etchingham told a friend “He went really crazy about cine-filming” adding that he was a ‘sex tape pioneer’.
The full length tape can be seen at the official Jimi Hendrix Sex Tape.