Mm-hmmm….. High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens took it upon herself to take a self nude pic to please her boyfriend, which he then oh so kindly put on the internet so everyone could get a look at this pretty groovy Vanessa Hudgens Nude Pic. Or maybe he didn’t, but we can’t think of any other way it surfaced on the net.
Born in December 1988, according to waste of time website Wikipedia, this makes this hottie 19 years of age, which explains the pert boobs and pretty much tight killer body. She could do with being a bit more close shaven in the pussy department, but hey, we aren’t complaining 😀
Apparently this pic could cost her future roles, and she has been backed into apologizing to her fans, which makes no fucking sense to us whatsoever – is the USA really that hung up on nudity? I mean, some harmless naked pics, meant for her boyfriend isn’t exactly plumbing the depths of moral depravity, is it? For those sorts of celebrity pics and movies, this is the link you want 😉